So, I'm hovering here at about 171 lbs. That's probably due to my loose adherence to the diet. It's amazing how a seemingly small series of indulgences can make an impact. Discipline is key.
I'm psyching myself up to pick up jogging on the treadmill again. I had let it go in the late fall when I got a sinus infection.
I've been following (mostly) the diet recommendations of an app called personal dietitian. The general idea is to feed your body healthful foods that represent less calories than your body, given your lifestyle, will consume. But balance that with enough calories so that your body doesn't wig out and think that you're starving. When that happens your body will start storing as many calories as it can in the form of fat to fend off the starvation. I'm sure that's been my issue all along... :)
Whatever you do, don't get discouraged. Keep going! You can do it! Plateau's are hard to break, that's for sure, but with the right combination of excercise and healthful eating, you can do it! We're rooting for you!